
1. 황소자리 Taurus 4.20 – 5.20

황소자리는 편안함,안정감을 위해 살며 매우 믿음직하고 성실한 파트너이다. 플래닝을 잘하며 결혼이나 연예관계를 포함하여 살아가면 나타날 수 있는 문제에 대해 미리 대항할 준비태세를 하고 있다.
The Bull loves his "creature comforts" and is very sensual. He thrives on stability and is usually extremely dependable, reliable, and loyal. Taureans are great planners and are always looking ahead, ready to tackle any problems that might arise in their lives, including possible obstacles in their marriage or relationship.

2. 게자리 Cancer 6.22 – 7.22

게자리는 별자리들 중에서 안정감있고 사랑스러운 관계에 가장 관련이 높은 별자리로서 집과 가족을 사랑한다.
Of all the 12 signs, Cancer is the most concerned with a secure, loving relationship. The Crab loves home and family and is not happy unless he has deep emotional ties. The Cancerian is usually very nurturing and tends to take good care of everyone he cares about.

3. 처녀자리 Virgo 8.23 – 9.22

처녀자리는 예민하고 창의적이며 다른이들의 감정과 필요에 대해 직감적이다

Virgos are sensitive, creative and tend to be intuitive when it comes to the feelings and needs of others. They are usually very supportive of friends and lovers, always ready to provide a "shoulder to cry on." The kind Virgin often makes a wonderful life partner.

4. 천칭자리 Libra 9.23 – 10.22

천칭자리는 정의와 평등을 갈구하기에 평화와 조화를 추구한다 (특히 관계에서)
This sign seeks peace and harmony (especially in relationships) due to an innate longing for justice and fairness. Libras are creative and multifaceted, and when trouble rears its ugly head in a relationship, the Libra will often escape into his own little world to sort things out. Usually an exciting lover, Libras tend to be trustworthy and loyal.

5. 염소자리 Capricorn 12.22 – 1.19

염소는 관계의 안정감을 사랑한다. 어떠한 성공이든지 노력이 필요하다는것을 안다.
The Goat loves stability, especially in a relationship. Most Capricorns realize that success in any form requires hard work and determination, and the Goat is not afraid of either. When obstacles in a relationship arise, as they always do, Capricorn has the patience required to work things out.


블로그 이미지


리뷰나 요리 여행 및 각종정보. 별자리. 연애심리. 구입제품 리뷰.레시피.심리테스트.운세 등등
